7 Reasons Why Our Success Labs Leadership Classes Are Effective

In today’s complex and ever-changing business environment, it’s more important than ever to develop talented individuals and emerging leaders within your organization.Success Labs has been helping companies in Baton Rouge and beyond with their people strategy through our Management Incubator and Leadership Coaching Series since 2003 (15 years). These innovative programs give rising leaders hands-on training and information about their leadership styles, potential challenges, strengths and weaknesses, and actionable ideas for being more effective in their current roles and for working on the development of skills they will need for the future.All participants receive:

  • Competency-based 360-degree feedback assessment.
  • Insights into their personality type.
  • Action-based learning.
  • One-on-one coaching and development planning.

Over the years, we have seen first-hand how impactful these action-oriented programs have been for hundreds of individuals and organizations across a wide variety of industries and business types. Here are seven reasons why they work.

1. They Help Companies Adapt to Today’s Complex Marketplace

The business environment has never been more challenging. Constant change is the new normal, which is why it’s so vital that organizations develop leaders with the skills and resilience to successfully compete in this new landscape. Our high-impact programs are designed to help companies:

  • Retain high-potential team members.
  • Develop a talent pipeline.
  • Gain a competitive advantage for their business.

2. They Help People Move Up To Bigger Roles

These programs help emerging talent grow into effective leaders and take on more responsibility. Companies tell us they see numerous changes in their leaders who participate in our programs, from increased self-awareness to more desire to adapt, improve and broaden their impact on the business.Participants head back to their organizations with new ideas and perspectives, and often with a renewed energy and effort that really shows in their workplace performance.

3. They Offer Opportunities To Give Back to the Community

Both the Management Incubator and Leadership Coaching Series are capped off by a community-based project supporting a nonprofit organization. The projects are designed to have participants find unique and innovative ways to resolve real-life problems that a community organization is facing.Participants start by developing action plans detailing how each organization can expand its mission. They meet with the leaders at these organizations to assess needs and develop actions plans, then roll their sleeves up and work together to make real, on-the-ground improvements and upgrades that help these nonprofits advance their important missions.It’s an excellent way for companies to partner with some of the most impressive community organizations in the Baton Rouge area.

4. They Are Practical, Not Superficial

The Success Labs team is just that: a lab consisting of problem solvers, forward thinkers and possibility seekers. We help companies and their people explore and achieve their potential through experiential programs that are grounded in real-world situations. That means our leadership programs don’t just involve sitting in a classroom for hours at a time.In our lab-based training, participants are given tools, ideas and concepts to test and see how they work with their current situation and team or possible future scenarios. Although they are backed by the latest leadership development research, our simulations go well beyond classroom learning to prepare leaders for real-world scenarios.

5. They Are Designed for Multiple Types of Learning

Everyone learns differently, so our programs incorporate a wide variety of learning styles and methods. We offer interactive and group-learning components along with traditional learning methods through our proprietary workbooks and other materials. Additionally, our simulations allow participants time to practice what they’ve learned while getting valuable feedback.

6. They Include Fascinating Field Trips

From sit-downs with CEOs of major regional companies to behind-the-scenes looks at area institutions such as the Celtic Media Studio or Manship Theatre, our leadership programs give participants up-close and insightful perspectives on how other dynamic organizations and their leaders are operating.

7. They Offer 1-on-1 Coaching

In addition to group learning, our leadership classes allow participants to take what they’ve learned and work with an executive coach who can take a comprehensive dive deep into strengths, weaknesses and strategies — and how to manage both. The coaching process also includes a competency-based 360-degree feedback assessment.With business in a constant state of flux, organizations that are able to cultivate talent with strategic agility are going to thrive. Now is the time to assess if your team has the skills to successfully compete and thrive in this ever-changing environment. Now is the time to take action.Space is limited for these leadership development classes. Email Chelsea Harris at charris@mysuccesslab.com to learn more and reserve a spot for you and your team members.


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