The 8 Most Popular Leadership Blog Posts in 2017

Being a leader can be full of challenges and questions — that’s clear from the list of our most popular blog posts from the past year. People are always looking for more ideas about how to develop their employees as well as themselves, and we were happy to work with many of you during the year on addressing these issues.We can’t wait to see what 2018 brings!

11 Career Development Questions You Need to Ask Your Employees

Good questions can help you better understand your employees, demonstrate your genuine interest in their professional development and create a healthy dialogue about how they can move forward in their careers. This post gives you 11 questions to use to start that conversation.

How to Complete a Knowledge Transfer Plan

A departing employee’s technical training, development, experiences and skills represent high value for the company, so creating a plan, building critical relationships and including the incumbent in the handoff are all crucial. This post is packed with tips for companies facing big organizational knowledge transfer needs.

How to Conduct Sensitive Conversations with Tact

Knowing how to start sensitive conversations, get through them and finish them helps make the workplace function more smoothly. These pointers will help you get them right.

How to Create a 90-Day Transition Plan for an Employee Who’s Just Been Promoted

A 90-day transition plan can boost the likelihood of success after someone is promoted. This structured approach will help ensure a smooth adjustment between roles and set up your new leader to make an impact quickly. Check out our tips for aligning priorities and building relationships.

How to Create Professional Development Plans For Emerging Leaders

The most effective way to ensure you provide opportunities for your top talent is to create a detailed, high-quality professional development plan for each of your emerging leaders. A well-crafted plan can help you consistently place top employees in real workplace situations that challenge, teach and help them develop into effective leaders. These steps will get results for you, your employees and your organization as a whole.

The 4 Types of Leadership Competencies

While good functional and technical skills are important at every level, competencies like resilience, adaptability, resourcefulness, broad business perspective and strategic insight are the difference-makers in today’s business environment. These skills are high-demand and often low-supply — important to success, but hard to find. Learn more about what they are and how to find them.

Succession Planning: Defining Critical Positions and Competencies

After you’ve identified the critical positions in your succession plan, your next step is to define those competencies — both technical and leadership — that will be needed in each next-level role. In other words, what roles need to be filled and what competencies do emerging leaders need to develop to be successful in those roles? These tips will help.

Leadership Journey: Celton Hayden Jr., CEO of CC’s Coffee House

CC’s Coffee House CEO Celton Hayden Jr. has guided his Louisiana-based coffee shop company into an unprecedented period of growth, and he says the secret is he constantly assesses his performance and looks for opportunities to improve. “My truest measure of success is ‘am I beating last year’s numbers, am I creating more value?’ ” he says. Learn more about how he approaches growth.Contact us to learn about our leadership development and coaching offerings in 2018.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


4 New Year’s Resolutions to Become a More Resilient Leader in 2018


7 Career Gifts That Your Team Will Really Appreciate