BRAC Workforce Report: Finding Opportunity in a Tight Labor Market

The economic boom in the Baton Rouge area means good news for business, but it also brings challenges. With the high demand in skilled craft labor, healthcare and professional services, companies in some industries are scrambling to fill positions, even though many of these jobs don’t require more than an associate’s degree, and pay well, according to a recent report from the Baton Rouge Area Chamber. The report found that chemical plant, system and equipment operators are in particularly high demand.The report looked at the progress and challenges in filling the approaching need. It had several recommendations that tie in to what we teach here at Success Labs, and there are actions employers can take to help out with the efforts. Employers can use this report as a wake-up call to revisit their own staffing challenges and determine what steps they can take to build a better talent strategy. Consider these options.

Determine Opportunities

One of the recommendations was “to expand and adopt programs that focus on destigmatizing high-demand skilled craft professions and promoting two-year and shorter-term degree and training programs.” It called on the U.S. Department of Education to allow Pell Grants to be used for non-credit-hour courses and training programs.Our take: Employers should always be communicating to employees about the different skilled labor career paths that lead to career opportunity at the organization. Identify employees who show potential for advancement and look for ways to keep them developing, whether it’s through coursework, journey-level training, mentorship or management opportunities. Doing so can keep high-potential employees in your organization.

Develop Potential

Another recommendation from the BRAC report was to increase the use of public-private and employer-trainer partnerships to train employees to adapt to evolving industry educational standards. As technology changes the way people work, they need training to keep up with innovations.Our take: Identify employees who could benefit from further training and education, or who are on career tracks that may eventually need further training, and work on development plans to ensure they’re ready when the time comes. Tap into partnerships by networking with industry groups, educational departments and other resources to identify the best educational opportunities for your workforce.

Track and Measure

The report recommended that industries focus on generating and analyzing data more accurately to get a clearer picture of what businesses are facing. Doing so can help balance discrepancies between information about demand projected by the state and other organizations, and reality.Our take: More data is always a good thing. Stay plugged in to your industry groups and networks to get as much information as you can regarding labor demand. In addition, commit to using data within your organization to assess employees for their potential and to track their performance throughout their careers. Data-based decisions can help you get a clearer picture about your workforce and make more strategic planning decisions.Tight labor demand is always a challenge for employers, but it doesn’t mean they should lower their standards for performance. Instead, it represents an opportunity for employers to assess their current workforce and assemble a plan for long-term development and success.Want to make sure your employees have the training they need?  Contact us to learn about our leadership development and coaching offerings.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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