How to Have a Career Conversation, From Either Side of the Table

Career conversations can be tough to get started, from both the manager's and the worker's perspective. Here are a few of our favorite tips for facilitating that talk.

From the Manager’s Side

As a manager, it’s all too easy to become immersed in the daily operations, complex decisions and unexpected issues of the job. When do you ever have time to stop and coach your employees? Well, it’s crucial that you make time, and it probably won’t be as hard as you think once the ball is rolling.Coaching and developing your team is different from an annual performance evaluation; it’s an ongoing conversation between you and employees about their career needs and aspirations, and how you can help them close gaps and reach their goals.Use these questions and observations today to sharpen your coaching skills and strengthen your employees’ development:

  • What do you think your talents and skills are? Let me share some observations about your strengths and how they contribute to the goals of our team/organization.
  • What activities in your job motivate you to excel? Which activities are most interesting to you and why?
  • What projects, committees or responsibilities would you like to be a part of in order to develop your career?
  • Who are the people I know that could be helpful to you? Would you like me to introduce you to them?
  • How do you see yourself contributing to this role/team/organization in the future?
  • What can I do to help you get started?

From the Employee’s Side

It’s wonderful to have a manager engaged in your professional development. But who owns your career? You! Regardless of your boss’ level of investment, you must take the reins and be proactive about making your career work for you. Here are five great feedback questions to ask your boss that will help set you up for long-term success.

  • What would you say are my key strengths?
  • What skills should I build on?
  • Are there any developmental opportunities that you think would be helpful for me?
  • What would you suggest as a potential career path?
  • Who else should I speak to that could help me in this process?

Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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