Giving Thanks in a VUCA Year

This year we've talked a lot about how to turn challenge into opportunity. When the VUCA events just keep on coming it's a chance to think in new ways and build back with strength... such as becoming a better remote manager, harnessing the power of resiliency, creating a more inclusive workplace, and cultivating leadership during the storm. Hard times uncover ways to flex muscles you might not have used before, which can only make your organization better for the future.However, the focus shouldn't always just be on doing. Pushing to improve yourself, your team and your organization is important - but this time of year we're reminded that the focus should also be on GRATEFULNESS. We've all made it to this point because our teams banded together, our mentors encouraged us, our leaders supported and inspired us, and our customers worked with us. Whatever it is you have to be thankful for, it's a great leadership practice to name and communicate those things to your team, customers and bosses. After all - our strategic planning, competency building, and improved practices mean so much more if we approach the work of leadership from a space of humility and thanks.

What we're giving thanks for at Success Labs


Devin Lemoine, Owner & President

"This year I’ve been thankful for the wonderful people I’m surrounded by. In the midst of uncertainty, I am grateful for this little Success Labs team that worked together to take care of client needs in a new environment. I’m thankful for the great friends and colleagues that checked in, offered advice and even loaned us big space to finish our classes. And, for our clients and partners who were in it with us all the way… brainstorming options, being flexible, and ultimately working with us to find a way to grow leaders, build teams and drive results in the wacky COVID world. It’s been weird but it’s also, thankfully, been OK! Thanks everybody!"


Gloria McConnell, Senior Consultant & Executive Coach

"I am grateful for my clients who were willing to take coaching sessions by video call and participate in workshops through Zoom. Their patience and good humor while we figured out how to continue doing business were much appreciated."    

Tamara Godfrey, Business Manager

"I am GRATEFUL for I am still HEALTHY and my family is healthy."     

Sydney Mukes, Intern

"This year I'm grateful for my family and friends and for all of the opportunities that surfaced. It's been a year of learning and I'm forever grateful for those who contributed to broadening my perspective this year!"     

Joanna Brown, Communications Associate

"I'm thankful that when it became obvious this year was going to be very different from most, our team pulled together and starting working even more closely to serve each other and our clients. It increased creativity, kept morale up, and on a personal note made me feel proud of contributing to such a great team!" At the end of the day, it's really all about people. It takes EVERYONE to make it work, in good times and bad... and from all of us here at Success Labs, we're thankful for each and every one of YOU and the impact you've had on us this year!Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to grow leaders, build teams and drive results through great people strategy. Contact us to get proactive about expanding your company’s potential.


Retail Leadership in a VUCA World


Brian Melancon: A Millennial Leadership Journey