Leadership Development News Roundup: Emotional Intelligence Edition

How well do you keep your cool in stressful situations? Do your employees communicate to their greatest ability? Does your organization exhibit empathy and resilience? Each of these traits is a component of emotional intelligence, or your emotional quotient. Similar to IQ, your EQ can determine a lot about your success. Unlike IQ, your EQ can be trained and improved.For this week’s Leadership Development News Roundup, I’ve assembled a collection of articles and blog posts with information and advice on developing your emotional intelligence.

  • Terminate The Terminator: Hack Your Emotional Intelligence and Control Your Future. Forbes: “If robots can be encoded with artificial, emotional intelligence and it is greater than what you and your team have to offer to guests, you will be out of work. And emotional intelligence in robots is closer than you’d think...Smart leaders defend their businesses from the borgs by developing specialized knowledge, charged with super-talented human skills and emotional intelligence.”
  • Leadership Development Through Emotional Intelligence and Meditation. ASTD: “To be effective in the workplace, leaders need to measure and develop their [emotional intelligence]. They need to be self-aware of their own emotions and clearly understand their strengths and weaknesses. This understanding helps them stay in control of situations and avoid emotionally charged behaviors and decisions.”
  • 5 Reasons Why Your Emotional Intelligence Matters More Than Your IQ. Inspiyr: “...[H]igh EQ involves an ability to deal with others so one can influence them in a positive way and direct their behavior to benefit what they are trying to accomplish. Of course, this doesn’t mean manipulation! Rather, it means inspiring them and leading them to positive goals and actions, as well as building consensus and teamwork.”
  • Top Tips: Embed Emotional Intelligence for Business Success. IDG Connect: “Enlightened leaders know they can deliver success by fostering emotional intelligence among all employees, creating and maintaining a workforce of people who feel valued. Equally, enlightened leaders will appreciate that is only the start of the journey; these values need to be lived every day, with integrity and consistency, to reap ongoing benefits.”
  • The emotional intelligence advantage. The Times of India: “Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, use, understand and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of your daily life, such as the way you behave and the way you interact with others.”

Let us know if you’d like our help improving emotional intelligence for your employees or consider sending them to The Success Labs Management Incubator.Success Labs is a full-service, strategic organizational and leadership development company located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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