Leadership Development News Roundup: Executive Presence Edition

Executive presence is an essential quality for successful business leaders. It’s not only about being comfortable around other executives, it’s also being perceived as such yourself. It combines a mix of professional and business skills, such as gravitas and negotiating ability, with effective communication and, yes, personal appearance. Executive presence is the bit of polish that really adds instant authority to any leader -- and it is something employees can learn through coaching.This week’s Leadership Development News Roundup brings you a collection of articles and blog posts with advice on developing and maintaining executive presence.

  • 4 Blunders That Can Damage Your Executive Presence. Entrepreneur: “In any business negotiation, research should be the first step. Having data and past precedents can give you an edge while boosting your confidence. The entire process is truly about compromise, so it’s important to understand what the other party needs. Most importantly, regardless of the outcome, don’t take it personally. It’s a business decision that should be emotionally neutral.”
  • 3 Critical Attributes Of Leadership Presence. SAP: “When someone with executive presence sets a higher standard and makes us feel motivated and excited about our work, everyone reaps the benefits. Engaged employees provide lavish discretionary effort – and it’s often that extra tip that puts a company ahead of its competition.”
  • American Water CEO: Here’s What No One Talks About that Could Lead to Your Next Promotion. The Business Journals: “No one talks about executive presence, [Susan Story, president and CEO of American Water Works Co. Inc.] said, but she wanted to break that barrier at the Women’s Symposium. She sees corporate America at a crossroads because of two trends: a decline in respect for corporations and executives, and a growing realization that combining the best traits of men and women creates powerful leaders. Pointing out that only 48 women are in the top spots at Fortune 1,000 companies, ‘What do we have to do to get more women in leadership roles?’ she said. Understanding executive presence is part of the answer.”
  • Create a Workplace Culture that Fosters Executive Presence. Corporate Class Inc.: “Be clear about dress policy. You do not need to be aggressive about enforcing rules, but a clear and consistent policy for the dress code will allow professional image to be the norm in your office culture. Especially for organizations that uphold a “business casual” dress code, lack of a clear policy can lead to image and attire slipping farther and farther away from professional standards. A defined policy – and adhering to that policy – will ensure that everyone is on the same page.”
  • What is Executive Presence? Diana Gabriel: “Gravitas signals intellectual expertise, but also confidence and credibility. Senior executives picked projecting confidence and grace under fire as presence’s most important qualities.”

Let us know if you’d like our help developing your employees’ executive presence.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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