Leading During Change

Change is often scary. After all, with change comes the unknown. But it’s vital leaders know how to deal with change, so when it comes, they can establish a clear path for employees and the organization to follow.Whether the change is exciting (such as a giant new contract that will double annual revenue) or challenging (a merger), these five tips will help leaders play a strong role through the process.

Communicate Early and Often

You’ve seen it happen — as soon as change is announced, the rumors start flying. People crave information and will fill in gaps with rumors if official updates aren’t forthcoming. That means one of the most important things leaders can do during change is to communicate.This will take emotional maturity and rationality on the part of leaders. In the face of change, employees will feel uncertain at the very best, and may panic or withdraw if they feel like they don’t have the information they need. Communicating with them about the process will go a long way.Finally, leaders should pay attention to how they say things, not just what they say. In an uncertain environment, what you say or don’t say, and how you say it, can have intended and unintended consequences.

Be Visible

During uncertain times, leaders should increase their visibility. There can be a tendency to retreat if there hasn’t been any progress on the situation or to avoid questions with no clear answers. But being visible and available reassures the team.In addition, it gives leaders a chance to hear feedback from employees. They can get an idea about team morale, concerns and fears. Leaders can then get insights about issues that might get out of hand and develop new ways to communicate to keep people calm and focused.

Encourage Creative Thinking and Innovation

It can be tempting to avoid taking risks during times of change, but too much caution  can encourage stagnation at a time when the organization most needs new ways of thinking. Encourage the team to look at change as an opportunity rather than a threat or roadblock. Challenging times can inspire people to do better work, develop new processes, address long-standing problems or move in new directions.

Engage Employees

If your organization is facing a big change, you need all hands on deck. Even in times of “good” change, your top talent may decide they want something a little more predictable and start looking elsewhere. During big changes, it’s important to involve and invest in employees to keep them engaged in your organization. Find ways to make them a part of the solution and give them ways to shine. You may find that previously unremarkable employees have some leadership qualities you hadn’t identified before. Give them feedback and encourage them to stretch in their roles.

Build a Strong Team

Keep your team focused on the larger mission, values and strategy of the company, instead of short-term disruptions. Help workers channel fear into action by asking them to be a part of the future and celebrate the little wins. People naturally want to pull together during tough times, so encourage your team to do so and find ways to make things better.Looking for ways to develop strong leaders who can guide your organization through a big change? Contact us to learn about our leadership development and coaching offerings.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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