Talent Management Trends Every Employer Needs to Understand

Managing your organization’s most talented employees well is essential to retaining top talent and keeping your company growing. It’s important to provide your talent with the training and feedback they need to remain engaged and efficient in the workplace. Successful companies understand that focusing on employees who produce results for the organization benefits everyone.Listed below are several great articles and blog posts that will help you stay on top of current talent management trends. I think you’ll find them helpful.Talent Analytics: Old Wine In New Bottles? Forbes: “There is extensive literature in academia about the failure of companies to use best practices when it comes to talent management, and a strong argument is made in this literature for evidence-based management. The simple fact is, when it comes to dealing with people, many managers trust their ‘intuition’ and ‘common sense’ more than they trust data. This seems to be particularly true when it comes to data gathered by academics and researchers who are not part of their company. So what is new? Why the flurry of interest in talent analytics? There are a number of reasons. One is that with the growth of information technology, it is much easier to gather data and analyze it.”6 Trends in Talent Management You Simply Can’t Ignore. TLNT: “Far from immune to these pressures, many would argue that HR is at the epicenter of this dynamic environment. Without question, it’s time for HR leaders to firmly claim the role as true strategic partners to help their organizations address and meet these challenges. To fulfill this mandate, however, they need a clear view of their current capabilities, their priorities over the next three to five years, and ideas for the best ways to tailor efforts to improve. Fortunately, help is available. The Boston Consulting Group has been surveying business leaders worldwide to gauge current capabilities and future priorities across ten HR topics, and the link between people management and economic performance.”6 Must Haves for Talent Management in 2015. ClearCompany: “Senior leadership personnel are busy; they have meetings to go to, business strategies to tend, and projects of their own to manage. However, while they already have a load of responsibilities on their to-dos, their presence can’t be discounted. In fact, it’s critical to workforce inspiration, team alignment, and goal accomplishment...It’s never a bad time to reassess your talent management. Are you developing your leadership or giving employees enough opportunities for growth? It’s not a stagnant business entity, and these are just some of the changes you should be prepared for. Setting your team up for a motionless career sets up your organization for increased turnover.”10 Talent Management Trends for 2016. HR Trend Institute: “We all know the high potential and general management programs, where you have to learn everything you will ever need to know or need to master in one or two weeks. International collaboration. Personal effectiveness. The strategy of the company. Intercultural differences. Managing people in turbulent times. Engaging people, and so on. The (slow) trend is in the direction to more specific skill training, as close as possible to the real work of people. In a certain way going back to old-school training. Define very clearly what skill people have to learn to be successful, and then train, observe, feedback, train, observe, feedback and so on until the skill becomes an acquired skill.”Study Reveals Global Talent Management Trends. HC Online: “Researchers also asked the study’s participants how their organisation was investing in and developing talent. Seeking to develop the skills of every employee was a popular method, as well as seeking to offer development opportunities to all employees – over a third of the respondents said that their organisation took these approaches to talent development Developing the skills of every employee was particularly popular amongst European leaders, while just under half of respondents from the Asia-Pacific region said that their company employed the latter option. Identifying key contributors and targeting them for development efforts was another popular technique for investing in talent development, with a quarter of global respondents naming this as the preferred method in their organisation.”Need help developing a talent management strategy? Contact us; we’re happy to assist.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy. 


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