The Resilient Leadership Series for a VUCA World

The business world is increasingly complex and changing more rapidly than ever. For 25 years, our Leadership Coaching Series has prepared leaders to tackle this volatile climate with resiliency, adaptability and nimbleness. The goal is not just to compete, but to add value in the midst of constant change and uncertainty. It's not enough just to survive - we want to help leaders and teams thrive.

Resilient Leadership Series: Coming Fall 2020

Our flagship series has long recognized resiliency as a core component of strategic leadership. The competencies that prepare a leader for success at the next level - such as creativity & innovation, strategic thinking, and building team capacity - all ultimately work together to build RESILIENCE in response to the challenges of our VUCA world. It's more than just a buzzword - it's having the ability and the insight to face those challenges with strength. That is why we have renamed the Leadership Coaching Series the Resilient Leadership Series, with a continued focus on content that will prepare emerging leaders, high-potentials, mid-level managers and high-touch contributors for leadership in an ever-changing modern workforce.

We look at resiliency as a union of four primary elements - Perspective, Purpose, People and Problem Solving.


A healthy perspective is the essential foundation for developing resilient leadership and navigating uncertain and ambiguous climates. The competencies in this category focus on:

  • Having an ownership vs. victim mindset
  • Being change hardy
  • Cultivating agility
  • Committing to your mental and physical well-being
  • Practicing gratefulness
  • Approaching uncertainty with curiosity instead of fear

To be successful in the VUCA world values and vision are paramount. Strategies can be flexible, but during periods of rapid change your overall path and purpose should remain generally pointed in the same direction. Today's dynamic business environment requires clarity of purpose and strength of values. We cultivate this through these core leadership competencies:

  • Demonstrating authentic values
  • Having clarity of purpose & vision
  • Cultivating a well-honed business acumen
  • Defining a flexible strategic agenda, informed by the complex VUCA environment

Relationships, partnerships, and teamwork are everything in the VUCA world. Even for the most talented of leaders, resilience is not a solo proposition. Access to information, resources, support, and strong teams happen through the relationship and partnerships we invest in. Spending time and energy developing relationships — both at work and beyond the office — is a major factor in becoming a well-rounded and adaptable leader. This element includes the following competencies:

  • Investment in relationships & partnerships
  • Communication & transparency
  • Ability to inspire trust & confidence
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Team building & capacity

The ability to be creative and innovative both proactively and during challenging times is the difference between successful and unsuccessful organizations. Creativity leads to strong problem-solving skills that ensure leaders and their teams can work around obstacles, ultimately driving the types of solutions that create healthy, viable, competitive businesses. These competencies include:

  • Strong problem-solving skills
  • Seeking out and being open to diverse ideas, perspectives & approaches
  • Encouraging creativity & innovation
  • Effective decision making in the gray spaces
  • Driving results in tough environments

Building Resiliency in your Organization

We are hosting the Resilient Leadership Series for emerging leaders in Fall 2020. Learn more here - classes will be held September 23 and 30 & October 7, 14 and 21. The workshop participants will have the opportunity to apply their skills to a real-world, non-profit community impact project - in addition to building their personal resilient leadership competencies.In today's world, leadership matters more than ever. And leaders who are truly equipped to succeed will have the tools to take on and overcome challenges in the most turbulent and uncharted environments.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to grow leaders, build teams and drive results through great people strategy. Contact us to get proactive about expanding your company’s potential.


Leading During The Storm


The LAB Grant: Partnering With The Food Bank Through A Pandemic