Announcing the Dates for Success Labs's 2015 Community-Based Leadership Learning Experiences

Happy New Year!Everyone here at Success Labs hopes you had a wonderful holiday celebration and anticipates you’re ready to focus on aligning your organization’s people strategy with your business strategy in 2015. Let us help you!Deloitte University Press -- the publishing arm of the major international accounting and consulting firm’s leadership center -- reported in its Global Human Capital Trends Report 2014 that “leadership remains the number one talent issue facing organizations around the world.”  Researchers note that 85 percent of companies rate leadership as an urgent or important need, but only 14 percent of companies report doing an excellent job of developing leaders at all levels of their organizations.For more than 10 years now, Success Labs has been helping companies develop leaders through our community-based projects -- the Leadership Coaching Series and the Management Incubator -- and 2015 is no exception.

Here’s What We Have to Offer in 2015

This year Success Labs will offer spring and fall community-based leadership learning experiences that will help you build bench strength and bring depth to your leadership pipeline while helping you maintain top talent.The Leadership Coaching Series will be held:

  • March 4 to April 1.
  • August 19 to Sept. 16.
  • Oct. 7 to Nov. 4.

The Management Incubator will be held:

  • April 7 to May 5.
  • Sept. 15 to Oct. 13.

What Graduates Have Said

“The leadership series that I attended at Success Labs helped me to develop a wider perception of the qualities needed to be a successful leader.”“I learned a great deal of helpful information at Success Labs, not just for my present job but for future roles.”“I enjoyed the training and would like the chance to attend any of the other leadership programs offered at Success Labs.”

Register Today for Our Spring Sessions

We’ve opened registration for both of our spring sessions:

  • The Leadership Coaching Series begins on Wednesday, March 4, and runs each Wednesday through April 1.
  • The Management Incubator begins Tuesday, April 7,  and runs each Tuesday through May 5.

To register your company’s leaders in one of these sessions, send their names and contact information to Shannon D’Gerolamo.We look forward to working with you in 2015 and helping you align your people strategy with your business strategy!Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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