How to Diagnose and Overcome Imposter Syndrome

A big part of becoming a strong leader is developing confidence in your knowledge, skills and abilities. To be comfortable around higher-ups, give a presentation, project authority or do many of the other things a leader has to do, you must first have confidence in yourself and what you have to offer. But a condition known as “imposter syndrome” can be a significant hindrance in developing and demonstrating this confidence.Imposter syndrome is a very common psychological phenomenon in which sufferers’ successes don’t help boost their confidence. They may attribute all their accomplishments to luck, good timing, help they got from others or other outside sources. They constantly feel like everyone around them has more skills or experience than they do -- and they fear they may be discovered to be a fraud at any moment.This feeling is particularly common in people recently promoted to new positions and it can impede their ability to lead effectively. Chances are it’s happening to someone you work with. You may even be suffering from it yourself.To help you help yourself or your employees, check out these articles and blog posts on how to diagnose and overcome imposter syndrome.

  • Impostor Syndrome: The Disorder You Didn’t Know You Have. Business2Community: “A high percentage of people who have experienced any level of success have likely felt this way at some point. The problem occurs when a person suffers to the degree that it prevents them from trying to achieve even more. Just recognizing it exists may help, but often isn’t enough. Luckily, there are ways that you can move forward and grow, even if impostor syndrome is a very real issue for you. For some, the best therapy for Imposter Syndrome is simply recognizing that it is a real thing, it is natural and that others feel the same way. However, if you want to go an extra step and squelch those feelings, it may require a little more effort.”
  • How To Beat The Imposter Syndrome. “Recognize the signs. Do you ever feel that you don’t deserve your achievements? Do you ever worry that people will find out you are secretly not worthy? After a success, have you dismissed it as luck or timing? Do you think you have tricked others into thinking you are more successful than you actually are? Do you think others over-value your success? Understand that imposter syndrome is not a defect. It’s a reaction to certain situations and it can be controlled and addressed.”
  • Don’t Let Impostor Syndrome Derail You. Life Reimagined: “When you feel that twinge, acknowledge it -- and expose it for the faulty thinking it is. Treat it like two cents from the one person in the room you don’t care about. Another tip: Counter the thought. For every time you think that you’re about to be exposed, point to one success or occasion where you were particularly proud of yourself. Reflect on a time when you felt really good about yourself, even if it was a small moment. It’s you, it’s your life, and it matters. Imagine that imposter voice not as a commanding lord, but as a whiny, bratty voice. Shrink it down and dismiss it outright.”
  • Confident Entrepreneurs Deftly Overcome Impostor Syndrome. Entrepreneur: “Expose your true self. The only way to destroy imposter syndrome forever is to be exactly who you are to everyone all the time. Don’t prop up a fake image of yourself or your business to others. If your business is small, let it be small. Be transparent with customers and use the fact that you company is minute to interact more closely with them. Align your thoughts, words and actions as much as possible. It can be hard to do but there’s real freedom associated with this.”
  • How Entrepreneurs Can Deal With Impostor Syndrome. AlleyWatch: “Studies have found that 70 percent of all people feel like impostors at one time or another. But even though it’s very prevalent, it’s rarely discussed. When we don’t discuss this issue out in the open people feel incredibly alone….Sometimes we forget that we are worth it. If you know you have imposter syndrome tendencies, start to gather success reminders. These can be emails from colleagues or friends and family. They can be letters you have received. They can be pictures of times you felt proud. It can even be calling a friend who is a great cheerleader.”

Contact us if you need help diagnosing and overcoming imposter syndrome in your organization’s leaders.Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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