Q&A with Melissa Thompson on Perfecting Your Keynote Talk

CEOs, executives, and other senior leaders are often asked to present their expertise in keynotes. These leaders have a career’s worth of valuable knowledge about things people need to know… like how to learn from mistakes, guide others, seize opportunities, and lead with confidence. But often that knowledge isn’t shared effectively, because while these leaders are great at what they DO, they haven’t always been coached on how to PRESENT on what they do.

Melissa is a consultant and coach with years of experience helping others with public speaking and presentation skills. She has worked with leaders in multiple industries to refine their message, gain confidence in their presentation, and pass on their valuable insights in an effective, engaging way. Some of her past experience includes coaching TED and TEDxLSU speakers, whose videos have been viewed millions of times.

As a coach, Melissa knows that a great speech is unique to the individual… but focusing on certain competencies and practices can help ANYONE give a memorable keynote. She sat down for a Q&A to dive into the dos and don’ts of what makes for a great keynote talk.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Give a Top-Notch Keynote Address:

Q: What is the best way to prepare for different audiences?

A: Understand the needs of your audience first. Are they looking for a high-level overview on your subject area, tips and insight on building new skills, or inspiration for tackling challenges? Is it an audience of specialists, or a more general one? If you are unsure of audience needs and expectations, ask the convener of the talk or conference! They will be able to clarify the type of audience you need to prepare for.

Knowing your audience means knowing the best language to use to connect with them.

Q: I'm worried about my opener. How can I make sure I'm engaging my audience from the start?

A: DON'T focus on attention-getters right away. First, create a guiding statement based on the audience needs!

Keep your statement focused on what you want the audience to walk away with. It can be as simple as "I overcame challenge X... and here's how you can too." This will help you stay focused on the purpose and goal of your talk, so that you can craft an opener that's aligned with your guiding statement.

Q: How important are visuals in a keynote address?

A: Not as important as you think! I never recommend getting bogged down in slides, gimmicks, or tools. Focus on your connection to the audience first.

Q: But, are there any tools that will help me elevate my talk?

A: You can absolutely use slides. I recommend full screen slides of high-resolution images to help support the story you're telling… but never forget that YOU are the one telling it, not PowerPoint.

Unless there's a compelling reason your audience needs this, stay away from text-heavy slides, handouts, or other tools that encourage your audience to focus on something other than you.

Q: What do I do with my hands?

You're using your voice, so don't be afraid to use your hands and feet too. It’s great to use the stage as an extension of your talk by walking towards different parts of the audience, or gesturing towards them with your hands. It just takes a bit of practice to perfect! It’s a good idea to film yourself giving the full talk so you can see whether your non-verbal communication comes off as nervous, overly repetitive, or distracting.

Q: Do great presenters memorize their entire talk?

No. Great presenters INTERNALIZE the content of the talk, so they have confidence in the message and can adapt easily to the needs of the audience. Knowing your flow and purpose, rather than memorizing line by line, allows you to be flexible and at ease on stage.

Final Tip... Practice Makes Perfect

Internalizing your message requires that you practice. Practice it multiple times and practice it out loud. Mimic the live presentation as much as possible. When I’m coaching someone, I require them to have a dress rehearsal where they get fully dressed in what they will wear; and run through the entire keynote on stage with the clicker, bright lights, and all. This can help cut down on the fear of the unknown and make you more confident when the day finally comes.

Melissa is an in-demand public speaking coach for emerging and senior leaders. Contact her today to get started on crafting and perfecting your keynote address!

Success Labs is a leadership development and management consulting firm in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to grow leaders, build teams and drive results through great people strategy. Contact us to get proactive about expanding your company’s potential, and stay up-to-date with our latest news and leadership development updates here.


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