Success Labs Leadership Coaching Series Participants Will Seek Ways to Rebrand Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baton Rouge

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Baton Rouge is a nonprofit community organization that helps academically capable and motivated children in need to meet their full potential. The organization provides value-centered, family-like homes and environments, as well as opportunities and education. We’re thrilled to work with BHGH-BR in Success Labs’s upcoming Leadership Coaching Series, which begins Aug. 31.The Leadership Coaching Series is designed to challenge high-potential employees and new leaders to expand their leadership competencies as they offer innovative, strategic business solutions to a real-world problem the community partner organization is facing. Participants are divided into two teams and must work together to identify strategies the organization can use to achieve its goal.This is BHGH-BR’s first time working with us on the Leadership Coaching Series.BHGH-BR has seen rapid growth while changing the way it offers services. “Our program was a residential program that housed six to eight young men,” says John Daniel, executive director of BHGH-BR. “We changed our business model to include the public school system, cut our costs in half and created our Road to Excellence program so we can help take care of more young people.”  It partnered with Baton Rouge Magnet High School, McKinley Middle Magnet School and the East Baton Rouge Parish School System to create The Road To Excellence, which is a nonresidential scholar program designed to serve more children who are in need. BHGH-BR will continue its long-term partnerships with private schools such as Catholic High School, St. Joseph’s Academy and its newest partner, the Episcopal School of Baton Rouge.It partnered with Baton Rouge Magnet High School, McKinley Middle Magnet School and the East Baton Rouge Parish School System to create The Road To Excellence, which is a nonresidential scholar program designed to serve more children who are in need. BHGH-BR will continue its long-term partnerships with private schools such as Catholic High School, St. Joseph’s Academy and its newest partner, the Episcopal School of Baton Rouge.BHGH-BR helped six scholars in 2013-14, and that number grew to 29 in 2015-16. Its volunteer numbers have grown from six to 140 during that time as well.The organization’s rapid growth has caused it to reconsider its brand. It would like to highlight its progress so far and the improvements it has made to the community. In addition, it’s looking for a strategic game plan for its Bowl for Hope annual fundraiser, a two-day, 10-hour bowling session that draws participants of all ages. All proceeds from the bowling event help provide housing, food, clothing, educational assistance and scholarships to people participating in the program.Daniel says the organization is particularly interested in getting more corporate donations, although he says with the turmoil the region has faced over the past few months, many organizations are facing tough circumstances.We’re looking forward to an effective and useful program to help his organization.Check back here this fall to read about what the Leadership Coaching Series participants came up with for BHGH-BR. And let us know if you’d like to learn more about the Leadership Coaching Series and how your company’s emerging leaders can participate.Success Labs is a full-service, strategic organizational and leadership development company in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For more than 25 years, our expert team of consultants has worked with hundreds of companies to explore their business potential and improve their company and cultural performance. Contact us to get proactive about your people strategy.


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